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Violence and Abuse Support Services

> 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line

Rape Crisis England and Wales run the 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line. The service is for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by rape, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual violence – at any point in their life.

> Ask Marc

Help and support for men affected by domestic abuse, stalking and rape and sexual violence.

> Bromley & Croydon Women's Aid

Bromley & Croydon Women's Aid offer support services for girls and young women aged between 11 - 20 years old at risk of domestic abuse.

> Cassandra's Learning Centre

Cassandra's Learning Centre offer support for young people at risk of abusive relationships.

> Eaves

Eaves specialises in the areas of trafficking, exiting prostitution, and sexual violence.

Eaves offers housing and employment services as well services for women who have been in contact with the criminal justice system.

Eaves Life Skills Service is a specialist advice and advocacy service for women who are affected by violence or are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Life Skills offers support and advice around housing options, accessing benefits and other services such as health, education, training and employment. 

> Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (ECPAT UK)

ECPAT UK is a children’s rights charity campaigning to protect children from exploitation both in the UK and abroad. ECPAT run a youth programme for young people aged 15-23 who may have been trafficked or exploited.


FACE (Fighting Against Child Exploitation) provides information for young people on how to stay safe from  grooming and sexual exploitation.

> Forced Marriage Unit

Forced Marriage Unit of the Government provides advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases.


IKWRO (Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation) provides advice and support to Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls living in the UK who are facing Forced Marriage, Child Marriage, “Honour” Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Domestic Violence.

IKWRO offer advice in Farsi, Dari, Kurdish, Arabic, Turkish, Pashto and English and run a free counselling service in Farsi, Kurdish, Arabic and English.

> JAGS Connect

Jags Connect is a charity dedicated to ending serious youth violence through empowering young people in their journeys to adulthood. The charity provides online resources, a family forum, face-to-face consultations, and community workshops for youth, parents, and carers.

> Karma Nirvana  

Karma Nirvana support victims of forced marriages and honour based abuse and professionals seeking guidance.

> LGBT+ Rape and Sexual Abuse Helpline

The LGBT+ Rape and Sexual Abuse Helpline is run by Galop. Call 0800 999 5428 or email help@galop.org.uk to get in touch.

> Maya Centre

The Maya Centre provides free, long term counselling and psychological support to women who have experienced severe trauma through domestic violence, abuse in childhood, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), or overseas in war and conflict.

> Men's Advice Line

The Men's Advice Line offers help and support for male victims of domestic violence and abuse.

> National Association for People Abused As Children

National Association for People Abused As Children (NAPAC) offer support to adult survivors and training for those who support them.

> National Centre for Domestic Violence

The National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation.

> National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline

Galop run the National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline, offering emotional and practical support for LGBT people experiencing domestic abuse.

> Not Alone in Sutton

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or know someone who is, help is available.

> Not In Our Community

Resources for children, parents, teachers and professionals co-produced by young people to protect themselves and friends against grooming and exploitation. 


NSPCC is the UK’s leading children’s charity specialising in child protection. NSPCC have statutory powers and that means they can take action to safeguard children at risk of abuse.

If you are an adult worried about a child, you can report abuse anonymously to NSPCC.

> One in Four

One in Four support people who have experienced child sexual abuse and trauma.

> Orchid Suite Clinic

A clinic in Croydon University Hospital for women (18+ years) who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM).

The National FGM Support Clinics (NFGMSC) are community-based clinics that will provide a holistic model of care to women over the age of 18, who have undergone FGM and who are not pregnant at the point of seeking help. They will offer a range of support services delivered by a multi-disciplinary team including physical assessments and treatments, counselling, general information and access to a FGM Health Advocate.

The clinic accepts professional referrals and some who need support can also self-refer by sending an email to ch-tr.fgmcroydon@nhs.net and/or calling 07469 413341 to arrange an appointment.
The clinic runs every two weeks on Monday. Please call number above to confirm opening.

Support for under 18s is available through the specialist paediatric service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH).

> Rape Crisis England & Wales

Rape Crisis England & Wales is a national charity and the umbrella body for our network of independent member Rape Crisis Centres.

On the site you will find: how to get help if you've experienced rape, child sexual abuse and/or any kind of sexual violence, and details of your nearest Rape Crisis services; information for friends, partners, family and other people supporting a sexual violence survivor.

> Rape Crisis South London

Rape Crisis South London provide face-to-face counselling for girls and women aged 13 and above, who have been raped or sexually abused at any time in their lives and, who live and/or work in any of the South London boroughs.

> Refuge

The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a 24-hour helpline service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.

> Report Abuse in Education

NSPCC's dedicated helpline for children and young people who have experienced sexual harassment or abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals that need support and guidance.

> Solace Women’s Aid

Solace Women’s Aid is an independent charity working across London, providing support to women and children survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

> Southhall Black Sisters

Southhall Black Sisters (SBS) run an advice, advocacy and resource centre in West London which provides a comprehensive service to women experiencing violence and abuse and other forms of inequality.

SBS offer specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and self-help support services in several community languages, especially South Asian languages.

> SurvivorsUK

SurvivorsUK offer a range of support services including counselling and therapy appointments as well as web and SMS chat for male survivors of sexual violence.

> The Havens

The Havens are specialist centres in London for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted in the past 12 months.

> Women and Girls Network

Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a free, women-only service that supports women in London who have experienced violence, or are at risk of violence.

WGN offer counselling, advocacy and advice for women and girls who have experienced gendered violence, including sexual and domestic violence.

Call us

Support Line 0800 980 7475

Monday to Saturday, 3 to 6pm

Croydon Service 020 8251 0251

Merton Service 020 3984 4004

Sutton Service 020 8680 8899